Library Workshops

Goals and Outcomes

thumb_Library.pngLibrary Workshops support the mission of the Library’s Information Literacy Instruction Program by providing students, faculty, staff, and district residents with varied opportunities to become effective critical users and producers of ideas and information.


Library Workshops will provide co-curricular information literacy instruction that supports the research needs of the college community, helps learners develop critical consciousness about the information environment

In Library Workshops

  • Learners actively participate in the process of becoming informed
  • Learners continually analyze one’s own and others’ assumptions
  • Learners consider how information is created, produced, and distributed
  • Learners use intellectual property ethically

Procedures and Best Practices

Are you scheduling a Library Workshop? Here's what you need to know.


  • Create your event in the Library Events & Workshops calendar (
  • Coordinate the Maximum registration number with the selected Classroom (ie. SRC3104 = 20 seats)
  • Determine if you'd like to send email reminders or follow-up surveys
  • Copy Event URL to use in email promotions.
  • Use Copy Event to create workshops scheduled multiple times during the semester
  • Export Registrations to Excel if you need to create a sign-in sheet.
  • OPTIONAL: Create Event Button and paste code onto the research guide(s) of your choice (remember to delete buttons after events).

Internal Marketing Options

  • Notify Kelly when you add a workshop to the calendar - she will add the event to Chaparral Life
  • Send Event URL to TLC if they are promoting your workshop for faculty and staff.
  • Work with Rebecca to create a promotional slide for the Library's plasma screens.
  • Add your workshop description and registration information to the Library's blog and/or Facebook page.
